In the event that an unfortunate incident occurs at your facility, or during a project, there is valuable information that must be collected to determine the root causes and contributing factors that caused the incident to occur. Performing a proper incident investigation is critical which is where RPF’s non-biased, third-party, technical expertise can add value. RPF’s qualified safety professionals, Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) and Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) stand ready to assist your investigation team, or perform the incident investigation and provide a detailed report of findings. Pekron Consulting can also audit your incident investigation process and facilitate site/company-specific training to ensure your in compliance and fully prepared if an incident occurs. We stand ready to assist you implementing all CDC, OSHA, state and local COVID-19 guidelines across the United States. Check out our website or talk to one of our Certified Safety Professionals or Industrial Hygienists.
Incident Investigation Assistance
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